Monday, December 07, 2009

The infamous red couch picture at the White Swan Hotel

Yes, it's a tradition for all Holt families to dress up their children
in traditional Chinese clothing for the infamous picture on the red
couches in the lobby of the White Swan Hotel. Here's some pictures
from today's festivities and a group photo in front of the Christmas
tree and waterfall inside the hotel. Praise God that our visa
paperwork made it to the US Consulate today with no problems. On
Tuesday afternoon Leeya and I head to the US Consulate to take the
Oath of Citizenship. Our time in Guangzhou is winding down quickly. I
probably will get in only a couple more blog postings before Leeya and
I head to Hong Kong on Wednesday evening. Please keep praying for the
rest of our time here and our travels to Hong Kong on Wednesday. I'll
be by myself with Leeya on the train since the rest of the Holt group
doesn't receive their visas until later in the week. I'll post travel
details in my final blog post later in the week.

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