Today was a good day all around. Went to the medical clinic this
morning to have Leeya's TB test checked and she tested negative. She's
also not having any adverse reactions to the 5 vaccinations she had on
Friday--just a little sluggish and tired today as would be expected. I
didn't see our friends Marc & Jennifer Skipper at breakfast this
morning so I figured they might have slept in from getting here so
late the night before. After Leeya and I stopped by the medical clinic
late this morning I had a hunch they might be at Starbucks. Sure
enough who do I run into at Starbucks but Marc, Jennifer, and their
beautiful little girl Meili from Shaanxi Province. We sat down for
some coffee and exchanged stories from the past week while our little
girls eyed one another. Then it was back to the hotel for naps and
finalizing our US Visa paperwork that goes to the US Consulate next
week. We finished off the evening with a stroll along the Pearl River
and dinner at the German restaurant on Shamian Island as evidenced by
the pictures attached to this blog entry. Praise God that he used His
timing to bring friends alongside Leeya and myself to help us through
these last few days before we come home! We'll be doing a few group
activities with the 10 different Holt families in Guangzhou over the
next couple of days culminating with a nighttime cruise of the Pearl
River the night before Leeya and I pick up her US Visa and make our
way to Hong Kong to catch our flight back home. These are excitiing
times! Please don't stop praying for all the remaining details and
Leeya's health. I pray that all of you find something to give praise
to God for this weekend as you are out and about or in church on
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