Sunday, January 13, 2013

A day at church & strolling around Shamian Island

Began today with a yummy breakfast, Went to church,,, talked to the kids.... then off to Shamian Island. First If I could please ask my prayer warriors to please pray for my kids, Lydia got a cold, and it turned into croup.. my sweet friend Kristen at 1:00 in the morning along with Hannah took Lydia to the ER. She was having a difficult time breathing.. so they gave her a steroid shot. as you can imagine, this is NOT what this momma wants to hear clear over on the other side of the pond!!!! So after another melt down,,, I Know that the Lord has them in His hands... and I thank GOD for such wonderful friends... You don't even know how much the family of God means to us... words cannot express the love and appreciation we have... Also Abby had her first Bball game, which we missed,, but am so proud of her as she made a basket... Love ya Abs!!! We worshiped today at the Guangzhou International Christian Fellowship,,, WOW!!!!! People from ALL over the world in one room united in Praise and worship to the Lord, the pastor is from the US. Great worship,,, I cried again, as I was overtaken at the fact that we just witnessed a little taste of what Heaven will be like, all kinds of people, from all over praising God... Just AMAZING!! thanks Jen,,, that is what we needed!! Shamian Island was beautiful, got some stuff there for the kiddos and ate some lunch, a little starbucks to top it all off...

Its been great to see Chloe come out of her shell some.. last night she started singing in her crib.. got that on video.. she is a little stinker.. she is shy with others,, but is wild in the room with us.. just a few more days.... please pray for my heart as I miss my kids.. tomorrow we are off to the zoo.. a good time killer ;) love to you all...


Kurt & Ericka said...

Oh my, what a roller coaster!! We will check in with Toni and Bob. That last picture is amazing!! Love you all!

Unknown said...

lauren I was never blessed to follow your adventure with your children and family but seeing this now amazes me,, God bless you and hope all goes well and have a safe trip home