Monday, January 07, 2013

Chloe...welcome to the Haas family

It's Lauren writing again...PPPPHHHEEEWWW!!!!! What an experience...NOT for the faint of heart. There are 2 other couples adopting with us here in Nanning--it was very loud in the room when they handed us the girls. Chloe wanted nothing to do with us, as expected. She kept asking for momma, and well, that would be me  ;-) between the 3 of us we took turns holding her while she screamed. Now after taking off 3 layers of clothes, and bathing her, we will be doing dinner in our room tonight. Please continue to pray for these little ones as they mourn the loss they are going through. Bekah is doing her best to win her over, and she will. Tough day, but she is playing quietly now...God is sooooo good!


Kurt & Ericka said...

Yayyyyyyy!!!!! Welcome to the family darling niece!!! You are so loved!!!!!!!

Thressa said...

Yeah! She is beautiful. We have been and will continue to pray for her adjustment.

Sonia said...

Awesome! What a major milestone for y'all. Operation 'send Bekah in' is underway... I love it :) Praying for endurance for your wonderfully big(ger) family K

Sonia said...

Congratulations Haas'!! Thanks for letting us share in your special day :).