Wednesday, January 09, 2013

The waiting game...

Now that Chloe is officially a member of the Haas family according to the Chinese government, many people not familiar with international adoption wonder why we have to stay 2 weeks in the country. The waiting game has officially begun and the Lord is teaching us patience. The official adoption was actually completed on Tuesday (January 8) but we have to stay in Nanning until Friday (January 11) when Chloe actually gets her Chinese passport. You can't proceed to the next phase of the adoption process until your child has her passport. On Friday evening we'll fly to Guangzhou where we'll be for the rest of our time in China to complete the U.S. visa process.
In the meantime we've been keeping in touch with the kids back home through Skype (one of the few internet sites not blocked by the "Great Firewall of China") and strolling around Nanning with our friends the Brandenburg's from Walla Walla, WA who also adopted a girl from Guangxi province. Rebekah spotted an assortment of Frito Lay products in the supermarket across the street from the hotel which should please our friend Chuck Leutwyler who works for Frito Lay back in Oregon.
Our hotel is the Nanning Majestic Hotel which is supposedly a 5-star hotel for this region of China but is really more like a 2 or 3-star hotel. However it is conveniently located by a large city park that you see in many of the pictures attached to this post and not too far from the large downtown shopping complex where the Starbucks we visited yesterday (see previous blog post) is located.
Thursday (January 10) is a big day as we'll head out to the countryside outside of Nanning to visit a Zhuang village. The Zhuang are a small but important ethnic group in China and the largest concentration of Zhuang people are in Guangxi province. Chloe very likely has some Zhuang ethnicity so it will be exciting to see what rural living is really like in China. We'll post pictures tomorrow. 


Sonia said...

way to go guys... good job staying calm with the pace determined for ya. hope food/sleep etc. are going okay too.

Sonia said...

I'm glad to see that K was encouraging, cause I was going to say you guys are so spoiled with your starbucks and Frito Lays!! C'mon! Just teasing, I'm glad to see that you are all looking well. Still praying for you.