Lauren typing today... well, the floodgates opened today, all the built up emotions, the stress of the all hit me like a ton of bricks on the plane from Shanghai to Nanning. Knowing that as we were landing and I looked out across the vast and beautiful farm land, all the greens and browns and dirt roads, we were landing in our daughters Chinese province. I could not stop crying...but I needed to have that all come out. We are exhausted, but don't have to get on another plane until Friday.
You all can pray, tomorrow is the day!!! We get our sweet Chloe, pray for her, as I know this is a traumatic change for these little ones...and for us, how to meet her needs, and to love her through this. We aren't sure if we will go to the orphanage or not, we need to see how she does.
Had dinner tonight with the Brandenburg's—they are from Walla Walla, Washington and are here with one other family adopting from Nanning. So thankful the Lord worked it all out for us all to be here together. We are doing well, Bekah got to experience the controlled chaos of Chinese driving, she exhaled a lot ;-) She is a trooper, we have had much laughter with her here, and am so thankful to have her love and support. Keep looking next post... GOTCHA DAY!!!!
Looks like VN! Hey Lauren, look lively :)!
Looks like VN! Hey Lauren, look lively :)!
your picture with Kevin has me giggling and your writing has me crying. good grief! :) love you guys so much and we are praying!!!! wonder what time you are getting baby girl? could be right NOW as I type! sooo jealous of you getting to be in China!!!!! you BETTER go to the orphanage!!!!!! :P
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