Thursday, January 10, 2013

A trip to the Guangxi countryside

This is Lauren blogging again. Today's adventure was off to Yiling village about 1 hour north of Nanning. This is where the Zhuang (pronounced "drung") people live. They are a minority people group in China. Almost all Chinese are Han ethnicity but in Guangxi the majority people is Zhuang. We walked through the countryside which was very pretty and handed out candy to the kids. We toured a home of a more wealthy rural family but it is mixed in with some poorer homes. The typical annual family income of a rural farming family is about $1,500 per year. There are pig farmers and water buffalo farmers. They also grow lots of vegetables. It was nice to get out of the city and see how most of China lives. To watch the women wash clothes at the water hole, and vegetables at the other water hole.
Chloe is doing fine, she is throwing a fit as I type , because she wants me to be right by her. She is a mommas girl, which I like, but will get old real fast...she will have a rude awakening when we get home, as I have other kids to deal with. She is going to have an all daddy day, when we get to Guangzhou ;-). We leave Nanning tomorrow to head there. Please pray for our traveling as she has never been on a plane. Her friend from her orphanage is getting adopted also, to a family from Grove City, Pennsylvania!!! Small world. The dad was born in the same hospital as I was. We are going to keep in contact with them and hopefully get together when we visit back east. Looking forward to some real healthy food in Guangzhou, and some COFFEE!! However we did splurge on some Pizza Hut pizza on the way back from the countryside today--YUM!!  


The Hollingsworths said...

Looks cold! I'm so glad you got to get out of the city for a day. Between those nice veggies and the meat market, you could make a rather good meal! Pizza Hut also makes a good meal, of course, and is a great taste of home (especially if they have pepperoni!!!). The village reminds me in many ways of the area where my folks work... a Chinese Alto Cayma? ;) May God continue to grant you patience, endurance and creativity, especially during the hectic travel and the borrrring waiting. In later years I'm sure Chloe and Leeya will treasure all the memories you bring back from their homeland.

Unknown said...

Hello friends and welcome Chloe! What a precious gift God has given your family. We will pray for you today!

Unknown said...

Love, the Shaferlys

Unknown said...

Can't wait to hear all your stories and to meet my new niece! Love Tammy

Jules said...

well, you know, everybody wants a water buffalo ....
Gordon and I were just talking about you wondering how the culture shock is, especially for Rebekah.
Can't wait to hear more and meet Chloe!

Sonia said...

I want Pizza Hut...